by | Jun 20, 2024

Sprinkler Head Not Popping Up: 5 Easy Fixes in 2024


The Importance of Fully Functioning Sprinkler Heads

Sprinkler head not popping up? You’re not alone! This common issue can quickly turn your lush, green lawn into a patchy mess and lead to skyrocketing water bills. Let’s get right to the point: here’s what you need to know to fix a sprinkler head that won’t rise:

  1. Check for dirt or debris blocking the sprinkler.
  2. Examine water pressure—low pressure can prevent heads from popping up.
  3. Inspect for leaks in the system.
  4. Check for broken or damaged sprinkler head parts.

Functioning sprinkler heads are essential for maintaining a healthy lawn and garden. Without proper irrigation, your plants can suffer, leading to dry patches, wilted flowers, and an overall unkempt appearance.

I’m Peter Pappas, the owner of P.J. Pappas Company. With over 37 years of experience in irrigation systems, I’ve seen and fixed countless issues, including the infamous sprinkler head not popping up problem. My goal is to provide you with reliable solutions and keep your lawn looking its best.

Steps to Fix Sprinkler Head - sprinkler head not popping up infographic infographic-line-5-steps

By fixing this issue, you’ll not only ensure a beautiful lawn but also save on water bills. Let’s dive deeper into the causes and solutions in the next section.

Common Causes of Sprinkler Head Failures

Understanding why your sprinkler head is not popping up is crucial for a lush, green lawn. Here are the most common causes and how to address them.

Damaged Heads

Sprinkler heads can get damaged over time. A lawnmower might run over one, or a rock might hit it. When this happens, the head won’t deploy properly.

Solution: Damaged sprinkler heads usually need replacing. To replace a spray head, pull up the riser, unscrew the old nozzle, and install a new one.


Sprinkler heads can become misaligned due to settling or weather damage. Misaligned heads might stay under the soil, appearing retracted.

Solution: Dig around the misaligned head and straighten it. Ensure it’s perpendicular to the sprinkler line. Add extra soil around it to prevent future misalignment.

Clogged Nozzles

Dirt, insects, and debris can clog nozzles, preventing them from spinning and popping up.

Solution: Remove the sprinkler head and clean out the debris using a pin or needle. Reinstall the head and check its functionality.

Low Water Pressure

Inadequate water pressure can cause sprinkler heads to fail. This might be due to a clogged line or kinks in the system.

Solution: Identify the cause of the low pressure. A professional can help check the system and make necessary repairs to improve water flow.

Broken Valves

A faulty valve can prevent sprinkler heads from popping up. The valve controls water flow to each head.

Solution: Inspect the valve by turning it on and comparing water flow across several sprinklers. If one has excessive blow-by, it likely needs replacing. Clean or replace internal parts as needed.

By addressing these common issues, you can ensure your sprinkler system works efficiently.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing a Sprinkler Head Not Popping Up

Inspect and Clean

Debris Removal: Sometimes, dirt and debris can block the sprinkler head, preventing it from popping up. Press the pop-up riser down firmly with your foot to push it all the way back down into the body. Then release it so it pops back up. Repeat this a few times to loosen and flush out any sand or debris caught between the riser and the cap.

Nozzle Cleaning: Remove the nozzle and rinse it under running water to clear any clogs. Use a small brush or a toothpick to clean out any remaining debris inside the nozzle.

Adjust and Align

Head Realignment: If your sprinkler head is not perpendicular to the ground, it might not pop up correctly. Adjust the head so it is aligned properly. This will ensure even water distribution and prevent blockages.

Perpendicular Adjustment: Ensure that the sprinkler head is upright. A tilted head can cause uneven water pressure and prevent it from rising. Adjust it so it stands straight up.

Check and Increase Water Pressure

Valve Inspection: Check all valves to ensure they are fully open. A partially closed valve can reduce water pressure, causing the sprinkler heads to not pop up. If your valve has a flow control knob, make sure it is completely open.

Pressure Testing: Turn on a single valve that has heads that won’t pop up. Compare the water flow to other sprinklers. If you notice a significant difference, you may need to clean or replace the valve.

Replace Faulty Parts

Head Replacement: If the sprinkler head is damaged or leaking, it might need to be replaced. Check for any scratches or wear between the riser and the cap. If you find any, replace the entire sprinkler head with a new one.

Valve Repair: If cleaning the valve doesn’t solve the issue, it might need repair or replacement. Open the valve and inspect the internal parts. Clean any debris and replace worn or damaged components as needed.

By following these steps, you can address most issues related to a sprinkler head not popping up. Regular maintenance and timely repairs will keep your system running smoothly.

Troubleshooting Low Water Pressure Issues

Low water pressure is a common culprit when it comes to a sprinkler head not popping up. Here are some key areas to check:

Leak Detection

Leaks can significantly reduce water pressure in your sprinkler system.

Signs of a Leak:
– Persistently soggy spots in the lawn
– Unusually green patches of grass
– Higher than normal water bills

To locate a leak, start by turning off all water sources on your property and checking your water meter. If the meter still shows water usage, you likely have a leak.

Leak detection - sprinkler head not popping up

Valve Problems

Valves control the flow of water to different zones in your irrigation system. A partially closed or faulty valve can lead to low water pressure.

Steps to Check Valves:
1. Pressure Vacuum Breaker Valve: Ensure this valve, usually located outside near your sprinkler control box, is fully open.
2. Sprinkler Solenoid Valves: Check inside the control valve box for any partially closed solenoid valves. Make sure all wiring and fittings are intact.

If your valves are open and functioning properly, but you still experience low pressure, the issue might be elsewhere.

Water Line Breaks

A break in the water line can drastically reduce water pressure and prevent sprinkler heads from popping up.

Identifying Water Line Breaks:
– Look for unusually wet or muddy spots in your yard.
– Check for “water mounds” or raised sections of the lawn.
– Listen for the sound of running water even when the system is off.

If you suspect a water line break, it’s best to call a professional to locate and repair the break. This will restore proper water pressure to your system.

By addressing these common issues, you can resolve low water pressure problems and ensure your sprinkler heads pop up and function correctly.

Next, we’ll discuss Preventative Maintenance and Regular Checks to keep your irrigation system in top shape.

Preventative Maintenance and Regular Checks

Keeping your irrigation system in top shape isn’t just about fixing issues as they arise. Regular maintenance can prevent problems before they start, saving you time, money, and hassle. Let’s dive into some key practices:

Scheduled Inspections

Regular inspections are crucial. Experts recommend having your sprinkler system checked at least once a year, preferably before the start of the watering season. During these inspections, professionals can:

  • Check for leaks: Small leaks can lead to significant water loss and pressure problems.
  • Inspect sprinkler heads: Ensure they’re clean and functioning properly.
  • Evaluate water pressure: Make sure it’s within the optimal range for your system.

Seasonal Adjustments

Your sprinkler system needs to adapt to the changing seasons. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Spring Start-Up: When turning your system back on after winter, check for damage caused by freezing temperatures. Adjust the spray patterns and ensure all heads are popping up correctly.
  • Summer Tune-Up: Mid-season, verify that your system is handling the increased water demand. Adjust watering times to avoid the peak usage hours of 5-8 AM.
  • Fall Shut-Down: Before winter, drain your system to prevent freeze damage. This might involve blowing out the pipes with compressed air.

Professional Maintenance

While some tasks can be DIY, having a professional inspect your system ensures all components are in optimal condition. Professionals can:

  • Identify hidden issues: They can spot problems that might not be obvious to the untrained eye.
  • Perform thorough cleanings: Removing debris from nozzles and heads.
  • Offer expert advice: On upgrades or adjustments to improve efficiency.

Regular maintenance and checks can keep your sprinkler system running smoothly, ensuring your lawn stays lush and green all season long.

In the next section, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about sprinkler systems to help you troubleshoot common issues.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sprinkler Systems

Why is my sprinkler head not popping up?

There are several reasons why a sprinkler head might not pop up:

  1. Low Water Pressure: A common cause. If your water pressure has dropped, perhaps due to new construction in your area or issues with your water provider, your sprinkler heads might struggle to rise. Learn more about low water pressure issues.
  2. Valves Not Fully Open: Sometimes, the main system shut-off valve or the valves on your backflow preventer might not be fully open. This can restrict water flow, preventing heads from popping up.
  3. Clogged Nozzles: Debris like sand or dirt can clog the sprinkler nozzles. This is often resolved by pressing the pop-up riser down and releasing it several times to flush out the debris.
  4. Faulty Valve: If a specific zone is affected, the valve controlling that zone might be faulty. Manually opening the valve can help determine if this is the issue.
  5. Too Many Sprinkler Heads in One Zone: If there are too many heads in one zone, the water pressure might not be sufficient. Splitting the zone into two can solve this problem.

How can I increase water pressure for my sprinkler system?

Increasing water pressure can be crucial for a properly functioning irrigation system. Here are some steps:

  1. Check Valves: Ensure all valves, especially the pressure vacuum breaker valve and solenoid valves, are fully open.
  2. Inspect for Leaks: Look for soggy spots in your lawn or unusually green patches which might indicate a leak. Fixing leaks can restore pressure.
  3. Adjust Watering Times: Watering during off-peak hours (not between 5-8 AM) can sometimes provide better pressure due to less demand on the water system.
  4. Booster Pump: If the pressure drop is permanent, consider installing a booster pump. This can enhance water pressure for your system. Note: Always check with your water provider before installing a booster pump, as some areas may have restrictions.
  5. Reduce Sprinkler Heads: Reducing the number of heads in a zone can also help. Removing one or more heads and creating a new valve circuit can distribute the pressure more effectively.

What are the signs of a leaking sprinkler system?

Detecting leaks early can save water and prevent damage. Here are some signs:

  1. Soggy Spots or Muddy Areas: Persistent soggy spots or muddy patches in your lawn can indicate a leak.
  2. Unusually Green Patches: Areas that are greener than the rest of your lawn might be receiving extra water from a leak.
  3. Higher Water Bills: A sudden spike in your water bill without increased usage can signal a leak.
  4. Water Meter Activity: If your water meter is running even when all water-consuming devices are off, you might have a leak.
  5. Blow-By: When the riser comes up, small amounts of water squirting out of the gap between the riser and the cap can indicate a problem.

Regular checks and timely repairs can keep your sprinkler system efficient and your lawn healthy. For professional help, contact P.J. Pappas Company for specialized irrigation solutions.


Efficient irrigation is crucial for maintaining a lush, green lawn while conserving water. When your sprinkler heads aren’t working correctly, it can lead to uneven watering, higher water bills, and a stressed lawn. Regular checks and timely repairs ensure your system operates at peak performance, saving you money and keeping your yard beautiful.

At P.J. Pappas Company, we specialize in diagnosing and fixing sprinkler issues like sprinkler heads not popping up. Our dedicated team has over 37 years of experience and is committed to providing precise, professional irrigation solutions tailored to your needs.

For reliable and expert sprinkler system maintenance, contact P.J. Pappas Company. Let us help you keep your lawn green and your irrigation system running smoothly.